Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Day 5 of Treatment: End of Udvartana and Steam

PHOTOS: After treatment we go “into town” by local bus.  The biggest town in the State is Trivandrum and its about 20 mins by car and 30+ mins by bone crunching rickshaw or local bus.  Today we thought we’d go by bus and Ive taken some photos of the journey and bus interior. My son has had his hair oiled as well, which is the custom here.  I don’t think it looks that crash hot, and really I think its divine on Indians but probably no-one else.  Having said that it’s the secret to their lovely lustrous locks. 

Today was the last day of Udvartana weight loss massage and the Steam (I was having the Abhyangam massage in the middle so treatment was for about 2 hours).  Its kinda  crazy that when you explain to someone you can have 2 hours of treatment, to most it would seem heavenly, but for me with this body pain, I thought it was kind of like incubating a baby for 9 months – when someone said to me, oh yeah you get to the end of 9 months and you are so over carrying a child in your body and just want to have it already …….

That's the bus shuddering, not my camera hahah
Well it’s kind of like that for me – I just want to have no pain during my massage and have it be done with thank you very much.    At last the Udvartana was really relaxing and I’ve grown to love it.  The Abhyangam massage again is not easy for me – but miracle of miracles there are bits of me that when massaged, just don’t hurt anymore.

Most importantly, my feet don’t hurt.  I was once told that pretty much everyone’s feet will hurt with strong massage and when I came here I could barely touch my own feet from them being sensitive and agony to touch.

I even avoided going for a pedicure for fear of giving the lovely ladies a kick in the face when they touch my feet - here would you like me to paint your toenails – boot!!  Anyway its true they hurt that much and today its heaven, it’s amazing, how is that possible when yesterday I screwed my face up, clenching teeth in agony, and today its lovely and relaxing and a joy.

It is actually heaps of fun
I feel so boosted with positivity and hope and relief.  My neck did some spasming which was more annoying than worrying as I feel I couldn’t be in better hands to have this happen and then the next day to have it fixed.

I think I brought it on myself while sitting in a silly position while working on the internet.  The body is amazing when you choose to listen to it; it’s telling you the path, the right way, and the wrong way.

A previous client said she thought I was lucky that my body was so sensitive.  I am quite in tune with my aches and pains, and now that I think about it, it’s kept me on the straight and narrow so to speak.  I remember when I was younger I tried out a wild and crazy lifestyle living it large (lots and lots of times), but my body always, always had the last word and kept me inline.

 I’ve also become quite accustomed to sitting in the Sweda sweat cupboard and still think it’s quite hilarious, especially when I saw the photos of my silly read head.  And then to share them online is really quite insane.
Tomorrow I change my treatment to start with Abhyangam massage and finish with Kizhi pouch treatment.  

From memory of my last treatment I loved the Kizhi pouch.  I remember thinking it was a pretty wacky treatment to thump my body with a pouch of medicated herbs that’s been dipped in heated medicated oil.  And like many things, being a bit sceptical that something like this could have an impact on my aching stiff body.  I recall though that at the end of the Kizhi phase of my treatment that I had felt a breakthrough with the pain.

I’m excited.  A breakthrough it just what I need.

In-case you cant see, the traffic appears to come at you from all directions.  They are not big fans of staying on the "right" side of the road.  And the horn is simply for communication, to say, I'm here, get out of my way.  The sound is as chaotic as the traffic but it works, and you get strangely unaffected by it after a while.
Gorgeous fabric for little girls dresses

Dresses and temples, temples and dresses