Monday, 2 September 2013

WELCOME TO THE MAX / MIN CLUB: Maximise your health and minimise disease

The Max/Min Club brings you essential ideas to integrate into your routine and give you the greatest opportunity to maximize your health and minimise disease.

TIP#1: The very first thing you ingest in a morning is of utmost importance as your whole body has been at rest, so to jolt your system first thing (eg with coffee/tea) can have negative consequences especially to your liver and digestive system. 

So TIP #1 is to drink one cup of warm water with juice of half a lemon first thing before you eat or drink anything else.  This will give you a mini detox and flush out toxins that stayed with you over night.  (Note: Adding a square of chopped ginger will certainly benefit and reduce winter’s Kapha, unless you have a Pitta imbalance and too much fire/inflammation already, then go for it).

My son, Watson actually enjoys Chyavanaprasam.
Its an Ayurveda herbal paste that builds strength,
stamina and strong immune system.
First boil your filtered water (you can add Pitta/fire energy by boiling for 5 mins) and then top up with room temp filtered water so it’s warm to drink.  Perfect time to take any other supplements such as Fish Oil or Vit C (only at recommended dose).

But not multi-vitamins – never take a generic mix, have a Naturopath advise you on what specific vitamins and minerals your unique body needs.  Overload on man-made fat soluble vitamins (eg vitamins A, C, E and beta carotene) and they stay in your fat cells and potentially turn toxic.  Plus eating the correct whole food plant based diet will give you what you need anyway.

SUPER BOOST: When you have about 1 inch left in the bottom of your cup, put in a teaspoon of Tumeric powder.  I won’t pretend that it tastes like the yummiest thing in the world, but it sure isn’t the worst, and like my 4 year old son says, “it’s just like a needle – get it over and done with”.

“Turmeric has been used for 4,000 years to treat a variety of conditions. Studies show that turmeric may help fight infections and some cancers, reduce inflammation, and treat digestive problems.  Curcumin is the potent ingredient in Tumeric and is a powerful antioxident."

The University of Maryland Medical Centre
has some great information on research being done on the powers of Tumeric especially in relation to diseases mentioned, though take care if you suffer from a Stomach Ulcer.

There is also exciting information on the American Cancer Society site and please read this before taking especially for those allergic to ginger or yellow-food colouring plus people taking blood-thinning medications, drugs that suppress the immune system, or non-sterodial pain relievers (such as ibuprofen).       

Contact Alison at if you would like a Personalised Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan with 7 or 14 day Meal Plans that will maximise your health and minimise disease.  They can be tailored to your Dosha type and/or goals such as weight-loss, allergies, heart health, minimise pain eg: arthritis, etc.

DISCLAIMER: In understanding that each person is an individual, then results from treatments may vary. Information by Prana Healing Holidays is presented for the sole purpose to impart education.  You will need a full Consultation with an Ayurveda Doctor to fully benefit therefore this information, and any product, is not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease. 

If you have a medical condition, or are pregnant or lactating, please consult a health professional. Before making changes to your diet or routine, especially if you take medications, it is recommended that you speak with your GP or Dietician.